Career Development
Our Career Development program focuses on providing information and experiences that help students identify interest areas and use this information to select courses and colleges, part-time jobs and volunteer activities — with the goal of preparing the student for the world of work. Many staff members are involved including teachers, administrators, school counselors and community volunteers, including parents. Students also have access to an online tool through Naviance that provides career assessments and updated career information including hundreds of videos. Students and parents can also visit, a K-12 online tool where students can discover their career interests and in-demand jobs, build resumes, search for college and training programs, create a budget based on future expenses, and develop meaningful academic and career plans for high school and beyond.
Specifically, in Upper Arlington, students participate in:
- Integrated career awareness activities at the elementary level.
- Job shadowing for all 8th and 10th grade students.
- Career Day events at the middle schools and high school.
- Career assessments at the middle school and high school led by counselors.
For Upper Arlington students who would like to explore different career areas as part of the high school day, we encourage 11th and 12th graders to access Columbus City Schools' Career Technical Education at Fort Hayes and the Columbus Downtown High School & Career Center.
Contact Us
Jeanne Gogolski
Career Development & Service Learning Coordinator
Phone: (614) 487-5000