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Service Learning

Service-learning supports the mission of the district by providing engaging and relevant learning experiences connected to service through classroom curriculum. These authentic experiences meet real community needs, have strong ties to the curriculum, and include meaningful preparation and reflection.

The Upper Arlington Schools Strategic Plan promotes the use of service-learning as a teaching strategy for 100% of our students every year.

  • Each building has designated staff who serve as Service-learning Leaders. These trained educators model high-quality service-learning with their own students and act as coaches for colleagues.
  • High-quality professional development in the form of graduate courses are offered to all staff members providing inspiration and knowledge about service-learning techniques. 
  • Upper Arlington Schools works closely with Partnerships for Authentic Learning & Leadership for networking, inspiration and high-quality professional development experiences. 
A group of elementary students posing for a photo with a service dog

Community Service

Community service, while different from content-connected service learning, compliments our efforts to encourage students to be engaged, caring community members. Both middle school and high school students are required to do 5 to 6 hours of community service per year. 

Students can keep track of their service hours, see local service opportunities and check out service awards on x2Vol, located on their Naviance Dashboard. Keeping track of service hours will help students interested in applying for jobs, college and internships. In addition, we have many awards and scholarship opportunities connected to students who choose to spend their time using their gifts and talents in the community.

Last year, our high school students completed over 15,000 hours of community service, exemplifying “Serve, Lead, Succeed.” In 2024, 159 UAHS students received the President’s Volunteer Service Award and 48 seniors received the Senior Service Honor Cord worn at graduation.