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UC Early IT Program

The UC Early IT program is an innovative initiative that removes barriers to college access. It is an ecosystem of K12 districts, community colleges, the industry, and the University of Cincinnati. The goal of the UC Early IT initiative is to transform the economic health of individuals and communities through growing the quality, diversity, and number of technology talent.

The basic idea is to deliver the first year of the undergraduate program during high school. The performance of the student in those classes becomes the admission criteria to the undergraduate program. On one hand, the program gives students focus on developing their knowledge, abilities, and skills in the career of their choosing. On the other side, the student no longer needs to worry about college admission and can benefit from completing the courses required for their Bachelor degree during high school, which reduces the overall cost of their college degree.

The courses include 6 college-level Information Technology courses and 3 college-level academic courses as outlined below:

  • IT 1050 Fundamentals of Information Technology
  • IT1090C Computer Programming I
  • IT1080C Computer Networking
  • IT2040C Fundamentals of Web Development
  • IT1081C System Administration
  • IT2060C Database Management I
  • ENGL1001 English Composition
  • MATH1021 College Algebra or MATH1026 Pre-Calculus
  • COMM 1076 Intro to Interpersonal Communication (or History/Social Sciences/Fine Art)

Course Descriptions in the Program of Studies

Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about this program, please reach out to your school counselor or email UA Hub Principal Matthew R. Jordan.