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The Communications Office strives to ensure parents and community members have easy access to current and relevant information regarding the school district. 

Our communications professionals maintain the district brand standards, website, social media platforms, and the automated calling and email system.  They assist reporters from both local and national news media outlets.  They work in partnership with district staff to produce annual publications such as our annual accountability report, the Quality Profile, and our annual financial report, the Financial Update. They also work with the City of Upper Arlington to produce the quarterly community newsletter UAiNSIGHT

Our communications professionals are members of the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) and the Ohio School Public Relations Association (OHSPRA). They are consistently recognized by OHSPRA for their work. They received Best of the Best awards in 2024 for the Dr. Hunt's UAdventure communications plan, in 2023 for the Listen Learn Lead communications plan, in 2022 for the UAiNSIGHT community newsletter, in 2021 for the website and in 2017 and 2018 for the Your Voice Matters communications plan on the district's facilities master planning process.

Contact Us

Communications Office at the Upper Arlington Schools Mincy Center
1619 Zollinger Road
Upper Arlington, OH 43221

Phone: 614-487-5000
Fax: 614-487-5012

Karen Truett
Chief Communications Officer

Colleen Wright
Communications Coordinator

Parent Notification System

Upper Arlington Schools uses an automated information system to provide families with regular updates and emergency notifications via telephone, email and/or text message.  If you are having difficulty receiving these updates or need to update your contact information, email Please include the name of your student(s) and the school they attend in your email.

Brand Guidelines

Upper Arlington Schools logos are trademarked to ensure proceeds from their use benefit our students. If you are interested in using a district logo, please contact the Communications Office. 

Upper Arlington Schools Brand Guidelines