Equity and Belonging
Upper Arlington Schools is committed to providing an equitable educational experience for all students and staff in accordance with the district’s Board Policy 2260 (Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity), our strategic plan, and our Profile of an Engaged Learner. Through data-driven strategies, programs and practices, we strive to create an educational environment where opportunities and outcomes are equitable for students and staff of varied backgrounds, races, genders, religions, sexual orientations, ages, abilities, socio-economic status, etc.
Policies and Guidelines
The following Board of Education policies and guidelines provide additional information regarding diversity, equity and belonging in our schools.
Districtwide Equity Audit
During the 2023-2024 school year, Upper Arlington Schools conducted an equity audit in partnership with the Insight Education Group, which identified recommendations across five domains of educational equity:
- Structures, Systems and Resources
- Culture and Community
- Equity in the Workforce
- Professional Learning and Professional Growth
- Curriculum, Instruction and Learning
Engaged Learner Survey Data
As part of our efforts to support student well-being, the district administers the Engaged Learner Competency and Well-Being Survey twice a year— once in the fall and once in the spring. The Engaged Learner survey provides crucial insight at the district, building and student levels to help the school counselors, teachers and administrators understand how to best support students so that they are able to thrive in school.
Cultural Calendar
By recognizing the significant moments and themes in our cultures and community, we intend to reflect a learning environment that is safe, accessible, and welcoming for every student every step of the way.
Welcome Center Interpretation Services
Upper Arlington Schools strives to support our multilingual families — representative of more than 50 languages as reported in 2023-2024 — through collaboration with local service agencies and our MARTTI virtual language interpreting service provider. Our district offices can also share local agencies that provide English Learner classes for new residents. Contact our welcome center for more information.
Stay Safe, Speak Up! Hotline
Upper Arlington Schools is committed to providing all students with a safe, positive, productive and nurturing educational environment. If you have concerns about an incident of bullying, harassment, or discrimination, please complete a Stay Safe. Speak Up! safety report. All reports will be promptly forwarded to the building principal/designee for review and action. If you feel this is an emergency outside school hours, please contact local police.