Updates from Dr. Hunt
The start of a new year is the perfect time to look ahead and focus on our shared vision for the future of education in Upper Arlington. At their January regular business meeting, the Board of Education approved the Excellence & Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan — a forward-thinking roadmap for our district that is designed to further our commitment to challenge and support every student, every step of the way.
During this time of year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the extraordinary community we share here in Upper Arlington. The resources, opportunities and incredible people who come together in support of our schools truly create something special for our students.
The dedication of our staff, our families and our community as a whole allows us to set a standard of excellence and, most importantly, make a difference in the lives of our young people. This is also what will drive us forward in the coming years as a school district.
As we welcome 2025, we also will welcome the next chapter for excellence and innovation in the Upper Arlington Schools.
During my first year in the district, I had an opportunity to learn about many impressive accomplishments by our students, our staff members and our community. One of those things was the tremendous collaborative effort put forth by all stakeholders during the facilities master planning process that ran from 2015 through 2017. As many will recall, that multi-year effort led to the choice to build our new high school facility on Zollinger Road as well as to renovate or rebuild all five elementary schools.
We reached a milestone in our strategic planning process just as school ended this spring. After several months of work, our 70-plus volunteers were able to finalize strategy recommendations to share with our Board of Education.