New Teacher / Resident Educator Programs
New Teacher / Mentors
Upper Arlington provides a structured mentoring and professional development program for teachers new to the district regardless of previous teaching experience. The goal is to help all new staff members transition into their teaching assignment with the information they need for a successful year. This includes providing a summer orientation prior to the start of the new year, an assigned mentor for each new staff member, and professional development throughout the school year.
Resident Educators
The UA Schools resident educator program provides professional development and assistance in understanding the RE process throughout the two years of the Resident Educator license. The goal of the UA Schools RE program is to enhance the professional growth of new teachers while providing support for completion of the summative assessment in year two. If you have questions about where you are in the RE process, please feel free to contact Erin Miguel at
Contact Us
Erin Miguel
Peer Assistance Specialist and Resident Educator Program Coordinator