Finance Advisory Committee
Upper Arlington Schools has a long history of utilizing the expertise in our community, including in the area of finances. As a result of the Listen Learn Lead community engagement process, Upper Arlington Schools has re-established a community financial committee to provide feedback on the financial operations of the school district.
To serve our community by providing input to the Treasurer of Upper Arlington City Schools.
The Treasurer Finance Advisory Committee members are selected by the Treasurer of the school district.
Members of the committee are to be citizens of the Upper Arlington City School District and/or employees of the school district. They must also meet the following criteria:
Possess a financial aptitude
Be a person of goodwill
Be open minded and willing to engage in meaningful dialogue for the common purpose of helping Upper Arlington Schools be the best it can be
Learn and understand the financial issues that impact Upper Arlington Schools
Review and provide feedback on financial forecasts and associated assumptions
Review and provide feedback on other financial reports as requested
Provide general feedback to the Treasurer as requested on financial, non-financial and community issues
Assist in translating the meaning of the District’s financial reports to the general public
Any other duties that may become necessary which are consistent with the general direction outlined through the duties noted above
Committee Status
The Treasurer Finance Advisory Committee members are selected and serve at the sole discretion of the Treasurer. They serve on a volunteer/unpaid basis.
Meeting Schedule
The committee will meet minimally quarterly. Additional meetings will be called as appropriate to review pertinent information and provide support as needed.
Application for Membership
The Treasurer Finance Advisory Committee has been selected for the 2024-2025 school year. Please check back for information about the application process for future years. As always, if you have any questions, please email us at