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Treasurer's Notes

Being good stewards of taxpayer dollars is a core responsibility for our district, and wisely managing our resources is central to that commitment. Each year, we undergo a thorough, third-party financial review conducted by the State of Ohio Auditor’s Office. This independent evaluation ensures transparency and accountability in our financial practices. A team from the auditor's office carefully examines our records and processes, providing an important check on our fiscal management

In November, I shared an important financial document with the Board of Education: the five-year forecast. This legally required document, which is filed with the state in November and updated every May, provides a comprehensive look at three years of actual financial data and five years of anticipated revenues and expenditures. It is more than just a state compliance measure; it serves as a critical tool to help us assess potential impacts on our district’s financial health and identify future needs.

We often say that schools are a “people” business — we are focused on preparing the young people of this community for success, both while they are students here and in their next steps in life.  An important part of that is ensuring that we have the people — teachers, bus drivers, custodians, nurses, support staff and more — to support our students in every aspect of their school experience.

Twice a year, Upper Arlington Schools provides our community with an important check-in point on the current state of our finances and our outlook through the five-year forecast. This legally required document is filed with the state of Ohio every November and then updated every May. It’s an important part of our commitment to providing our community with a clear and transparent view of our district’s finances.