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Board of Education

The five members of the Board of Education, two seated in front and three standing behind them, against a gray photo backdrop

From left, member Liz George Stump, member Lori Trent, Vice President Lou Sauter, President Jenny McKenna and member Nidhi Satiani

The members of the Upper Arlington Board of Education are legally responsible for the education of young people living within the School District. The Board’s primary responsibility is to set policy upon which all administrative action is based. The Board must:

  • Adopt policies for the operation of the school district
  • Approve adequate methods of program evaluation
  • Develop sound financial plans consistent with District needs and with community resources and expectations

Board of Education members are elected at large for four-year terms in staggered, odd-numbered years. Ohio legislation establishes a maximum amount for Board member compensation.

The Board employs the Superintendent to provide educational leadership and to implement policies and procedures through the administrative, teaching, and support staffs, and a Treasurer who serves as the District’s Chief Fiscal Officer.

As a resident of Upper Arlington, you are invited to become active in the educational life of your community by attending meetings of the Board of Education. If you wish to speak to the Board of Education, time is set aside during each regular meeting for citizens to discuss issues of concern. 

Meeting Information

Meetings of the Board are open to the public, except for executive sessions during which Board members may discuss only business as defined by the Ohio Revised Code. These are personnel matters, sale or purchase of property, legal matters, and negotiations or bargaining sessions. Executive sessions are for discussion only. All formal action must be taken at a regular or special meeting open to the public.

Thanks to a partnership with the City of Upper Arlington, Board of Education meetings take place in the Council Chamber of the City’s Municipal Services Center, 3600 Tremont Road. In general, regular meetings begin at 6 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. Some exceptions apply, and last-minute scheduling changes are possible. Please refer to this webpage for the most up-to-date information.

During each of its regular meetings, the Upper Arlington Board of Education is pleased to welcome community members and reserves times for public participation. Effective as of the May 9, 2023, regular meeting, community members wishing to address the Board must complete an online form to sign up for public participation. The form may be completed either online, beginning at 8:00 a.m. on the day of the Board’s regular meeting, or in person up until the start of the meeting.  

To learn more about the Board of Education, please navigate to the links below.

Contact Us

Jenny McKenna
Board President

Lou Sauter
Board Vice President

For more information, please contact the District Office at:

1619 Zollinger Road
Upper Arlington, OH 43221

Phone: 614-487-5030

Email the Board of Education

Upcoming Meetings