Master Plan Construction Phase
FALL 2018-SPRING 2019
- Construction began in May 2018 on the Tremont athletic fields on the district-owned land behind Tremont Elementary School adjacent to Northam Park.
- In September 2018, the first element of the new Tremont athletic fields - a turf field - opened.
- The final elements of the new Tremont athletic fields - baseball and softball diamonds, storage and restroom facility - opened in the spring of 2019.
MARCH 2019
Site work and site utilities began in preparation for construction of a new Upper Arlington High School. Construction began on the high school stadium, with spring sports relocated.
Tremont Elementary School was prepped for the arrival of modular classrooms for use during the 2019-2020 school year.
Community groundbreaking ceremonies were held and construction began on the high school, Barrington, Greensview, Tremont and Wickliffe sites.
- Sunday, April 7: UAHS groundbreaking ceremony
- Sunday, May 19: groundbreaking ceremonies for Barrington, Greensview, Tremont and Wickliffe elementary schools
FALL 2019
The high school stadium was completed.
JUNE 2020
Demolition of the current Windermere building began to make way for the new school. The old Wickliffe served as transitional space for Windermere students for the 2020-2021 school year.
FALL 2020
The new Greensview and Wickliffe Progressive elementary schools and the renovated Tremont elementary school opened to students.
FALL 2021
The new high school and the new Windermere and renovated Barrington elementary schools were completed and opened to students.
Work continued on the high school site to examine the area where the Pleasant Litchford cemetery was located, demolish the old building and develop athletic fields.
FALL 2022
The new high school site and first phase of the community-developed master plan was completed.
Second Phase of the Master Plan
After the completion of the first phase of the master plan, the Upper Arlington Board of Education and the community will need to revisit the second phase of the master plan, including the two middle schools and Burbank Early Childhood School.