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Upper Arlington Legacy Campaign


Golden Bear head logo


Oh Arlington, dear Arlington,

Our hearts will ne'er forget ... 

$8.5 million raised to support our schools

For the first time in the history of Upper Arlington Schools, a capital campaign was brought to the forefront to support the monumental task of building state-of-the-art, comprehensive academic facilities. Private donors joined together, with the Upper Arlington Board of Education and Upper Arlington Legacy Capital Campaign Committee, to raise $7.5 million to augment the $230 million bond-levy endorsed by Upper Arlington voters in November of 2017.

The first $5 million raised went to the completion of construction costs, as promised to the community throughout the bond-levy campaign. The additional $2.5 million, named "The Honor Project," sought to go above and beyond bricks and mortar to support programming and building enhancements that would make an impact on students' daily academic and co-curricular experiences.

With the first ask to support the campaign made in January 2019 and surviving the COVID-19 pandemic, the Legacy Campaign successfully reached its goal of raising $7.5 million in April 2021. When the schools opened their new doors in August 2021, there was shock and awe and excitement in our community with these new buildings that brought existing and new donors forward, which resulted in the additional $800,000 being raised.

In the years following the campaign, school districts across the country contacted our district with an intent to understand our facilities master planning process and how we raised millions of dollars of private money to support a public school. It was the hard work of a dedicated team and our community. Upper Arlington has long been a lighthouse district and benefitted from strong community support. Thanks to the Legacy Campaign and its generous donors, that continues to be true today and for many years to come.


Legacy Naming Rights in Our Buildings

Legacy Donors

Every Donor, Every Dollar Contributes to Success

  • 395 donors
  • Gifts ranging from $20 to $1 million
  • Campaign expenses totaling 1% of $7.5 million goal
  • Largest philanthropic endeavor in Upper Arlington history
  • Over 70 donors leaving a legacy with naming rights
  • Gifts were 100% tax deductible and could have been paid over a multiyear period.

Legacy Steering Committee


Paul Imhoff, Superintendent

Aimee White, Campaign Chair

David DeCapua

Price Finley

Dale Heydlauff

Gloria Heydlauff

Laura MacDonald

Tracy Peters

Margie Pizzuti

Michael Schoedinger

Alice Finley, Executive Director, UA+Ed 

Mary Seidelmann 

Old black and white picture of students in class
Rendering of a new building
Students posing for picture in modern installations

With a deep devotion to our tradition of excellence, the Upper Arlington Legacy Capital Campaign sought to exceed the community's expectations for the future of education in Upper Arlington and aimed to:

  • Provide funding for facilities, programming and equipment that distinguish Upper Arlington Schools and continue to be a district to emulate;
  • Present a unique opportunity for individuals, families and businesses to invest in Upper Arlington Schools and leave a legacy on our new foundations for educating youth for the next century.
  • Establish the largest philanthropic endeavor in Upper Arlington's history - benefitting our youth and community for generations to come.

Donors supported the Legacy Capital Campaign to:

  • Provide "above and beyond" resources to academic and co-curricular needs;
  • Ensure that Upper Arlington Schools remains a "lighthouse" district, setting the standard for education across the nation; and
  • "Pay it forward," and ensure future generations of students continue to benefit from the highest quality education. 

Oh Arlington, dear Arlington,

Our hearts will ne'er forget 

The Gold and Black will bring us back

to Dear Old Arlington