Listen Learn Lead
For generations, the Upper Arlington community has played an integral role in supporting the success of Upper Arlington Schools and its students. As we seek to prepare the next generation for this rapidly changing world, it is critically important that our schools adjust and adapt to meet the needs of our students today and tomorrow.
In February 2022, the Upper Arlington Board of Education launched a community engagement process to listen, learn and lead in an effort to help Upper Arlington Schools be the best it can be — for many years to come. Since then, nearly 1,700 students, parents, staff members and community members have taken part in the process.
The intent of the “Listen Learn Lead” process is to honor the community by providing multiple options and opportunities to listen to all voices, learn from what was heard and use the community’s feedback to lead the school district into an even brighter future.
The Board of Education continued its Listen Learn Lead community engagement process with a new round of community engagement sessions in May 2023 and May 2024. The 2023 discussions were an opportunity to get to know incoming superintendent Dr. Robert Hunt and inform his priorities for his first year as superintendent, and the 2024 sessions were an opportunity to learn more about the strategic planning process and share feedback on the recommendations developed by student, staff, parent and community volunteers involved in the process.
Contact Us
Upper Arlington Board of Education
Jenny McKenna, President
Lou Sauter, Vice President
Liz George Stump, Member
Nidhi Satiani, Member
Lori Trent, Member
Robert Hunt, Ph.D.
Phone: 614-487-5000