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Educator Hall of Fame

For 100 years Upper Arlington students have benefited from the talent, dedication and skill of some of the highest quality teachers in the world.  To honor the best of the best among high school teachers, the Educator Hall of Fame was established at Upper Arlington High School in 2007, by then Principal, Kip Greenhill.  As the district enters its second century, the Educator Hall of Fame is expanding to include teachers and administrators  of all grade levels, preschool through grade 12.  

To be eligible for the Educator Hall of Fame, the nominee must:

  • Have served as a full-time educator in Upper Arlington Schools for at least seven years;

  • Have been retired from Upper Arlington Schools for at least five years;

  • Have achievements in education that have distinguished the nominee from contemporaries.

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 induction class through March 31, 2025. You may submit your nomination through the online form or the printable form on this page. Please provide as many details as possible about your nominee. Supplemental documentation is encouraged (though not required) and may include letters of support, some biographical information, a resume and news articles. Nominations may be submitted by any individual, but preference will be given to those from former colleagues and students of the nominee.

The printed form may be submitted to or to the district office at 1619 Zollinger Road. If you have any questions about the Educator Hall of Fame, please contact or 614-487-5000.  

Educator Hall of Fame Nomination Form (PDF)

Online Educator Hall of Fame Nomination Form

Honorees seated on stage at the open house ceremony

Hall of Fame Inductees