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FERRIS: Who, What, Where, When, Why & How
Ferris Text For Website  WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, HOW  This PDF has a logo in the top left hand corner with two spotlights shining on the words “innovation spotlight.”  In the center, the title of the PDF: “Ferris; UAHS facility dog.” The logo on the right hand side of the page is the R&D Innovation Lab logo which has a black circle in the center with a series of small icons including light bulbs, polymer circles, a pen, blocks and the words: “est 2016.” Around the outside, bent into a circle, and printed with a white background and black letters are the words: “Upper Arlington High School” and “Innovation Lab.”   This single page PDF has headers with WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, HOW that are explained below. Beneath each header are bullets that respond to the question. The first four headers are on the left and the last two are on the right. Between the two columns, are four pictures of Ferris, the UAHS Facility Dog.   In the first picture, Ferris is being petted by students. In the second picture, students are posing with Ferris in the hallway. In the third picture Ferris is sitting on his blanket during Ferris Forum. In the fourth picture, one of the students in the Individualize Needs Center is walking Ferris. The person taking the picture is taking it from behind so we see them walking away.  Who is Ferris? Ferris is a golden retriever who has been trained as a facility dog. He passed rigorous training with Paws with a Cause, and will continue to practice that training during his time at UAHS. The Upper Arlington Education Foundation paid for Ferris' training and a UAHS teacher owns Ferris. What is His Role?  His job is to be cared for by students and staff, and to be petted by people who need a moment to de-stress. Unlike a service dog (trained to meet the needs of one person), Ferris has been trained to meet community needs. Ferris has also judged several dog-friendly contests. Where Does He Work?  Ferris works at UAHS almost every day He goes home to be with his family at night. When is Ferris Available?  He works in Ferris Forum, in the North Commons, during different periods throughout the week.. His schedule is posted on the wall outside the INC Classroom and posted on Instagram. While he is usually with the students in the Individualized Needs Center, other UAHS teachers can collaborate with Ferris's mom to integrate him and his INC caretakers into their classrooms. Why Did We Get Ferris?  A UAHS teacher wanted to create more opportunities for students in her multiple disabilities classroom to have unscripted, authentic interactions with non-identified peers She also wanted her students to have an opportunity to learn responsibility, leadership, and to content by both caring for Ferris, and by managing and analyzing his experiences with the entire UAHS community. The teacher submitted her idea for a school dog to the 2019 UA Idea Hunt and it was the #1 idea. Ferris's mom was the second UAHS teacher to pitch the idea of getting a dog, and her idea gained traction because of its potential to connect different groups of students Not only did teachers want a facility dog, at least a dozen students over the last five years have pursued capstone projects outlining the benefit of dogs in schools. How Did It Happen?  A team of teachers, building & district administrators, paraprofessionals & members of the Upper Arlington Educator Foundation worked for over two years to bring this idea to reality. Approval for Ferris happened in the fall of 2021 and he became an official member of our staff in the 2021-2022 school year. Because R&D utilizes the design thinking process, we continue to learn, listen and iterate on our prototype.