Vision and Hearing Screenings
The Ohio Department of Health requires vision and hearing screenings for elementary school children in kindergarten, first, third and fifth grade and all new students each year. Screening for kindergartners can be performed during the May screenings prior to fall entry for those who can attend, or in the fall once students begin school. Other screenings will be done in the fall. Screenings can also be performed at various other times during the year at parent or teacher request.
At the secondary level, vision screening is done in seventh grade, and both vision and hearing are done in ninth and 11th grades, generally during high school schedule pickup day or in the fall. Students should bring or wear their glasses and/or contact lenses as they are screened wearing them.
Students who have difficulty with the initial screening are re-screened. If there still appears to be a difficulty, parents are notified and follow-up by a health care provider is suggested.
We are also happy to screen students at any time based on parent, student or staff request.
If you do not wish for your child to be screened, please contact your school health office.