Upper Arlington City Schools News Article

Capstone Spotlight: Jacqueline Fisher, The Effectiveness of Community Education on Decreasing Non-Medical Opioid Use


For my Capstone Project, I researched different methods in which communities have tried to alleviate the devastating opioid crisis. I then conducted a community education effort about the opioid crisis, encouraging safe disposal of prescription medications and raising awareness about the dangers of misusing opioids. I designed an educational flyer with a QR code linking to a public service announcement (PSA) I also created. Lastly, I asked participants to take a quiz on the opioid epidemic before and after viewing my PSA and measured the effectiveness of my educational video in an additional research paper.

Why did this focus interest you?
This project interested me because I would like to become a pharmacist and the opioid epidemic is one of the biggest issues when it comes to medication distribution in the health-care field. My goal was to educate my community about the opioid crisis and teach ways to safely dispose of medications.

How does this project bookend your academic experience at the high school?
Through my Capstone Project, I learned how to think, act and write like a researcher while focusing on a topic that interested me and related to my future. I was also able to make a positive change in my community - which, in my opinion, is the ultimate goal of education.

What is your next step after graduation?
I plan to pursue a degree in pharmacy and minor in dance.
About the Senior Capstone Project 
The Senior Capstone Project is the culmination of each student’s academic experience at Upper Arlington High School. This is a genuine way for seniors to merge their interests, passions and curiosities with their academic goals. Seniors are given the opportunity to demonstrate the autonomy, complexity and uniqueness of their Senior Capstone Project both in a written format and through the oral presentation of their project before high school peers and teachers. 

We welcome community ideas for our seniors. Please feel free to submit those ideas through this online form. 

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